Corporate & Regulatory Communication
Corporate Governance Report
Stock Exchange Announcements
Reg 51 (2) CS Appointment →
Reg52(8)_Newspaper Publication →
Addendum Prior Intimation to NSE →
Reg 57 Payment Confirmation →
Reg52_Statement of Utilization →
Put Option Exercise Notice_EQ →
54(3) Security Cover_31.12.2024 →
Prior Intimation to NSE Reg 50 →
Record Date Cancellation Letter →
Newspaper Publication of Results →
Half yearly Statement of Private Placements →
Reg 60_CAR A - 01.08.2024 →
Reg 52 (7) - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 13 (3) - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 7 - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 24 A - 31.03.2024 →
Update LC -31.03.2024 →
BM Outcome_23.1.2025 →
Disclosure Reg 6 & 7_31.12.2024 →
Resignation of Auditor - 01.08.2024 →
Reg 55 - 12.07.2024 →
Reg 23 (9) - 31.03.2024 →
Reg 6 - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 7 (3) - 31.03.2024 →
Reg 6 - 31.03.2024 →
Outcome of Board Meeting - 16.03.2024 →
Newspaper Publication of Results →
Reg 60-EQAR-B_21.10.2024 →
Reg 60_CAR B - 01.08.2024 →
Reg 61 (4) - 31.03.2024 →
Reg 57 (5)- 30.09.2023 →
Reg 57(4)-July-September 2023 →
Reg 57 (5)- 30.06.2023 →
Reg 57(4)-April-June 2023 →
Revised Record Date-24.03.2023 →
Intimation on Record Date-20.03.2023 →
Reg 57(5)-31.12.2022 →
Provincial - Regulation 6 -7 (Sept 2022) →
Unaudited Financial Results-30.06.2022 →
REG 57(4)-30.09.2022 →
Compliance SEBI Circular →
Compliance Under Regulation 5 →
Outcome of Board Meeting - 16.03.2024 →
Reg 13(3) -31.12.2023 →
Intimation Under Reg 50-28.03.2023 →
Intimation Under Reg 50-29.01.2024 →
Reg 57 (5)- 31.03.2023 →
Resignation of Auditor - 14.09.2023 →
Reg 23 (9) -30.09.2023 →
Newspaper Publication of Results →
Reg 52 (7) - 30.06.2024 →
Compliance under Regulation 2 →
Reg 13(3) -31.03.2024 →
Reg 6 - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 52 (7)-31.12.2023 →
Compliance Under Regulation 7 →
Reg 52 (7)-30.09.2022 →
Reg 23(9)-31.03.2023 →
Half Yearly Statement of Private Placements →
Operational Disclosure_ISIN_Se →
Reg 13 (3)_30.09.2024 →
Prior Intimation to NSE Reg 50 →
Disclosure Reg 6 & 7_31.12.2024 →
Reg 23(9)-Sept, 2022 →
Reg 13(3) -30.09.2023 →
Reg 24 A - 31.03.2024 →
INTIMATION UNDER REG 50-28.12.2022 →
Initial Disclosure as LC-31.03.2023 →
Reg 6-31.12.2023 →
Reg 52(4)_31.12.2024.pdf →
Reg-60-EQAR A&B →
Outcome of Board Meeting - 16.03.2024 →
Reg 13(3) -31.12.2023 →
Intimation Under Reg 50-28.03.2023 →
Intimation Under Reg 50-29.01.2024 →
Reg 57 (5)- 31.03.2023 →
Resignation of Auditor - 14.09.2023 →
Reg 23 (9) -30.09.2023 →
Newspaper Publication of Results →
Reg 52 (7) - 30.06.2024 →
Compliance under Regulation 2 →
Reg 13(3) -31.03.2024 →
Reg 6 - 30.06.2024 →
Reg 52 (7)-31.12.2023 →
Compliance Under Regulation 7 →
Reg 52 (7)-30.09.2022 →
Reg 23(9)-31.03.2023 →
Half Yearly Statement of Private Placements →
Operational Disclosure_ISIN_Se →
Reg 13 (3)_30.09.2024 →
Prior Intimation to NSE Reg 50 →
Disclosure Reg 6 & 7_31.12.2024 →
Reg 23(9)-Sept, 2022 →
Reg 13(3) -30.09.2023 →
Reg 24 A - 31.03.2024 →
INTIMATION UNDER REG 50-28.12.2022 →
Initial Disclosure as LC-31.03.2023 →
Reg 6-31.12.2023 →
Reg 52(4)_31.12.2024.pdf →
Reg-60-EQAR A&B →